Golly me..how nice is this bread! We got the recipe off one of my friends a couple of weeks ago and decided to make it for lunch last weekend. It makes a big roasting dish worth, but after eating some for lunch and having half a dozen mates over for the rugby quarterfinals it was gone burger!
Recipe WILL be blogged soon. Everybody really should try to make this bread once in their lifetime, you'll never look back!
Was a free chicken worth embarrassment?!
Last Saturday Noah and I were doing the weekly shop at Pak n Save Kilbirnie. I'd just left the fruit and vege section when I was stopped by a girl with some pamphlets who asked if I wanted to try and shoot a hoop with Irene van Dyk (NZ's most famous netballer) to try and win a free chicken from Inghams.
Well...I'm blaming it on the fact that I was a little star struck to be so close to Irene that I was a little off my game, or it may have had something to do with the fact that a crowd soon gathered which was a bit nerve wracking, or it is more likely the fact that I was never any good at netball anyway. But ten shots later(!) and I still hadn't got a hoop in despite it bouncing off the rim a couple of times, AND with one shot I'd even managed to get the ball lost behind a stack of toilet rolls. SHAME! At this point, I graciously suggested that someone else might like a turn.
The lovely Inghams girls still took pity on me and gave me the voucher for the free chicken anyway ($13 worth so nothing to sneeze at!). But you can imagine my even further SHAME that as I walked away a middle aged woman and then a 10-year old kid both got their balls in the hoop first time.
Yes, there is clearly a reason I am not playing for the Silver Ferns!!! Still loving the free chicken though.
Bath exfoliator of a different kind
It must have been 'pick on Meg' weekend last weekend. It started like any other Friday night, except Mylo wouldn't eat any of the homemade pizza we'd made for dinner, and he did say a couple of times that his tummy hurt. But both boys and I jumped in the bath together like any normal night, although Noah decided he only wanted a short bath and hopped out after a couple of minutes. In hindsight, that proved a pretty good move as 'NEK MINNIT' (next minute for those of you not up with that particular Kiwi joke) Mylo proceeded to power chuck all through the bath. Mark went to pull him out but I said 'actually don't bother, he might as well just stay in till he's done'. So I can safely say that was a new life experience for me having a bath in my child's sick!
The poor wee poppet threw up another 3 times in bed before 11pm which gave our washing machine the hardest night's work it's had in a while. I know it sounds crazy to say this, but I really was loving the fact that despite the puking, we were in the bath when it happened. Easy enough to wash away down the plug hole, and we just jumped in the shower straight afterwards to get clean.
Reese's Peanut Butter Slice Kiwi Style
So between my poor boy's power puke all over me and my poor sporting prowess I was feeling in need of some comfort food by mid weekend. Enter Reese's Slice for Kiwis stage right. I'd had my heart set on making it since the lovely Angela-Noelle from Striking Keys posted the recipe a week or so back. Being a bit of a fan of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, I figured I couldn't go wrong. Thankfully I was right.
Although I did nearly forget to put the peanut butter in the base, I managed to hand-stir it in just before it really would have been too late. Head on over here for the yummy recipe.
Noah's Creations
Funny thing. I posted about the dilemma of what to do with all the kids artwork just a week ago. Turns out the artwork I had already collected was nothing compared to all the creations that came home at the end of term last week...yeeikes!
I took a leaf out of Penny's comment on that post though and have photographed all the artwork even though I'm not going to keep it all. The best have been kept for future presents or for Noah's scrapbook.
And thanks to the joys of scheduling blog posts, we are currently away enjoying a mini break away at Gee Gee's (Great Granma's) in New Plymouth for a few days of the school holidays.
Thursday night postscript - well we nearly didn't make it at all after fog kept New Plymouth airport closed for most of Tuesday and Wednesday. We took off from Wellington on Wednesday morning, not sure whether we would even be able to land or be diverted to Wanganui (an extra 2-3 hour bus journey), Palmerston North, or at worst we might have to turn around and go back to Wellington.
I was praying HARD OUT all through the flight, and it was such a relief to hear the pilot come over the loud speaker and tell us he was going to attempt a landing. There were big claps all around as we touched down! My relief was HUGE, particularly as I'd pretty much exhausted all the snacks from the lunchbox by then!
And without warning I woke up Thursday morning with conjunctivitis in one eye (what is it with me and this nasty infection at this time of year?). Thankfully I made it to the doctor early in the day so I'm hoping the eyedrops will make a difference soon and I won't end up looking like someone bashed me in the eye like last year!
Hope you're enjoying the school holidays if that's how you're rolling this week too!

Loving the focaccia bread. Looks delicious. My fav for sure!!
Glad the pilot coped with that fog. I hate flying, so would have been gripping my seat for sure. At least the children usually provide some distraction.
Look after those eyes hun xx
I would've been intimidated by Irene van Dyk too!
Looking forward to the bread recipe, it looks delish.
Enjoy New Plymouth!
What a week!! As a GK i would have been helpless at trying to shoot, but i would for a free chicken!! Your Silver Ferns are not going to be worried about this Australian former high school netballer.
That plane trip sounded scary & i really want to try the focaccia, looks delicious & homemade, you can do all the herbs, spices, olives, garlic you wish. Love Posie
I love focaccia bread, looking forward to the recipe already! Great idea of photographing all the kids' art - I love the 3rd drawing on the top that looks kinda like a monster xx
Loving your new blog header pics!! Mmm focaccia bread is super delicious. I make mine as a dough in the bread maker and then bake. Takes less than 2hours from start to finish! Loving hearing about your escapades (although they probably weren't so lovely at the time) xo
Hey, love peanut butter slice, I am def going to make that! Artwork looks good. My next plan is to make a quick book up on snapfish of the art for the girls to look at. :)
We call our kids great granny (My granny) Gee Gee too! I hadn't heard of anyone using it until now. We also have Gee Dee for My grandfather... Gee GD, was just to long...
I am going to have to make that slice! And don't worry, if I was trying to shoot a hop everyone probably would of been there all day!
Oh boy, I'm totally pinning that focaccia! THANK YOU! And now you might say that's a fair trade, but really, we both know who got the better deal...the one who won't die if she makes and eat her recipe every other day, that's who.
As for the netball thing, I would have HATED that situation! EEK! I am confident in public (speaking, teaching etc.) in many situations, but put my sporting prowess on display and I'm all thumbs (and I LOVE sport).
P.S. Your photo of the slice looks a lot better than mine. I'm going to have to make it again to get a better shot; tragedy. Now for my stomach to cooperate!
I'm laughing at the chicken story...AWKWARD...something that would have happened to me! hehe
Enjoy NP...my old stomping ground. Oh how I miss it...
Ha ha I love that you got the ball stuck in the toilet rolls - I would ahve been taking out displays all over the supermarket my 3yr old would have more hope than me for scoring a goal! Awesomeness!
OMG. Loving the PB slice!! Am definitely making that tonight!! :)
Glad you got to NP in the end and hope your eye is okay x
Chuckled at the free chicken (I wouldn't have done to well either).
That bread looks divine!
Post the recipe already!
It's a weekend food :)
Definitely worth it for the chicken! Good on you :)
Ooooooh bath exfoliator sounds like quite an experience...! Sorry to hear you've had sickness in your home and hope your eye gets better really quickly - conjunctivitis HURTS!
Loving Noah's artwork also - very colourful! You must have a hard time choosing which ones to keep...
Have a great weekend away! x
Always loving your loving list! Crack me up with the bath fun!! Really need to try the focaccia bread and Reese's slice. Mmmmm!!!
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