Relief at not choking, relief at not having to face being the laughingstock of world rugby yet again. Relief that those 30 men who have given their heart, soul and bodies to this bruising game finally got the chance to celebrate being the best team in the world.
You have done us all proud.
It doesn't matter that it wasn't a beautiful game to watch, or even that the scales were only just tipped in our favour at the end. None of that matters now.
For now we'll just applaud. Our team. Our boys.
And enjoy a confetti angel or two.

Love the confetti angels - hehe
NZ must be a cool place to be right now :)
LOVE that photo!!!!!
Fav pic - love it!!
that pic totally made me smile when I saw it on facebook. they are totally enjoying the moment!
All Black parade @ 1pm tomorrow!
Yes I get the relief. It was such a tense game, and not enjoyable.
P.S. The frenchie I sat next to last night said that the french team cannot fathom why they lost. I said I was praying they would. He said he was praying too but God must have favoured the AB's. Poor soul. TOO BAD!!!!!!
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