Otherwise known as Meg's mid-week randomness..
- Itchy bites will get progressively itchier and reach an unbearable peak sometime on Bite+2 days
- Five year old interpretations of age-old concepts are hilarious: Hey Mum, is your head like in space or something? Interpretation: Mum, your head's in the clouds.
- When the cleaning demons strike (which doesn't happen that often around here), they are ferocious and they won't let you rest until you've spent the entire weekend cleaning every window frame, door, and skirting board in the house. Oh and they'll get you in an armlock and force you into cleaning out the pantry, and the fridge while you're at it as well.
- One's T-box (Telstra's equivalent of MySky) WILL give up the ghost and have to be replaced when you have at least a dozen things recorded yet to watch that are now lost forever...thank goodness for TVNZ On Demand though.
- My kids totally dig milk biscuits...they are definitely taking after their mama there
- For a certain 5-year old who simply loves having his back scratched...an actual back scratcher is pretty much as close to heaven as you can possibly get

- Any worries that a certain 2-year old might not have liked his first hydroslide ride in the weekend were entirely unfounded. In fact, it was a good thing they closed the slide after half an hour of us riding it or it's likely we'd likely still be there now...
- The circus is coming to town...eek exciting and we WILL be going
- Moon spotting still causes GREAT excitement in these here parts. Although heaven forbid you try and suggest it is anything other than 'Mylo's moon'
- My new autumny blog header slideshow makes me so happy to be in this season, check it out if you haven't already here!
Happy Thursday y'all.
Yes! Yes! Your new banner is fabulous!
And thanks for the heads up on the circus coming to town! :)
haha love the back scratcher!
And yes, I love your autumn banner.
Wouldn't a cleaning fairy be so much more useful than a tooth fairy??
Oh my goodness, yes! Itchy bites fool you into thinking they're not so bad, and then WHAM, you're "not itching them" on the edge of the mattress at night...love the new banner....too afraid to look at our skirting boards (and can't reach 'em anyway!).
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