We have taken a slightly different tack with our Elf preferring to tie in the grace of Jesus and His love than Eddy being sent to keep an eye on whether the kids are 'naughty or nice'. We wrote a special letter from Santa to the kids explaining about Eddy and why he is visiting the kids this Christmas including how we all are naughty from time to time and need God's forgiveness, even naughty elves.
Day 1: Eddy is found having written 'ho ho ho' on the kitchen bench with the kids' nutrigrain
Day 2: Eddy makes himself a nice cosy bed out of the tissues from the tissue box
Day 3: Eddy has a go at the kids' new water fight game in the bath
Day 4: Kiwi and Eddy knuckle down for an intense game of Connect 4 Advanced. Who's gonna win?
Day 5: Oh no! Star Wars baddies have taken Eddy hostage!
Day 6: Eddy wishes Noah a happy Last Day of School
Day 7: Eddy packs his bags for the trip up north, and writes a little note to the boys pleading to come on holiday
Day 8: Snapped! Eddy takes a joy ride on a toy tractor and trailer and tries to make off with a few decorations from Nana's Christmas tree
Day 9: Eddy makes himself a flying fox and swings his way to the Christmas tree hanging onto a candy cane.
Then tonight when Santa comes to drop off the presents for the stocking, he'll be taking Eddy home with him to the North Pole until next year. This is the letter he's going to leave for the kids.
Dear Noah and Mylo
Ho ho ho, if it isn't two of my favourite little people! Thank you so much for looking after Eddy for me. I hope that you were able to show him God's love during his visit and help him learn about how Jesus gives us his grace each day.
Eddy and I have headed back to the North Pols now but I know that Eddy would love to visit you again next Christmas if you want him to, so I'll be sure to send him back to you then.
I've left you both some wee presents in your stockings as a thank you for being so kind and showing God's love to Eddy when he came to stay. I hope that you both enjoy your gifts with all my love.
And last but not least, for a little bit more elvish fun, we Jib Jabbed ourselves. These videos are always good for a laugh!
Other than a quick Things I'm Loving post scheduled for this Friday, there's likely to be less blogging going on over the holidays, but if you are on Instagram you can keep up with our holiday happenings by following me on meghanatmnms or via posts on Facebook here.
Have a truly BLESSED Christmas!

Love how you included God in there. Such a challenge (which is weird) at this time of year. I'm constantly in a wrestle with myself about how to keep christmas a holy time of year. xx
Have a wonderful Christmas Meg xx
awesome... love it very fun :o)
I love how you've done this. So lovely - bye bye Eddy until next year!
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