I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something you can be thankful for..no matter how simple it is.
I just can't help myself.
I hereby dedicate this entire Things I'm Loving post to what I'm loving about Christmas so far:
You might have already seen the Christmas post earlier on the week here? I've also created a new header which you'll have seen if you're reading this on the blog.
Portable North Pole videos
The past few years, we've put together video messages for the boys from Santa. I was pleasantly surprised to see they'd changed the video this year and made it a bit longer and more personalised too, so if you want to make the effort to include more special memories from your child's year, Santa can read it out to them during the message. Noah's video is here and Mylo's is here.

Letting go...
I usually have total method to my madness when it comes to putting up the tree. Tinsel first, then lights and then decorations. Well this year, I decided to just go with the flow about what got put where on the tree, and shock horror the lights actually went on last of all! I did make a few minor tweaks but by and large this was just as much the kids own effort this year rather than mummy having to make sure everything was just so!
Christmas stories - Striking Keys list
Loving finding new Christmas stories to read the kids. I raided the library last week and the first thing we did on the morning of the 1st of December (wasn't it great that it was the weekend by the way!) was watch the messages from Santa's PNP and then read half a dozen Christmas stories together.
Angela-Noelle from Striking Keys also put a lovely list of stories together here which I am going to try and find too.
Crafting with the kids at school
This week I also spent an afternoon at school taking Noah's class for a Christmas craft. I got the kids to make these cute Santa pictures which were a really easy and quick craft to do. I had six kids at a time for 15 minutes each and I'd precut all the different bits so all the kids had to do was glue everything on and then have fun rolling up Santa's beard. It was quite the undertaking I have to say pre-cutting out 24 faces, 24 red hats, 24, white bobbles and bands for the hat, 24 noses and over 200 paper strips for the beards. It's no wonder I had a sore upper back and shoulder afterwards!
It was interesting to see how differently the kids approached rolling up their paper strips. Some had no trouble doing it with a pencil, others preferred rolling them up between their fingers, and some decided Santa needed a flat beard and didn't roll theirs at all. Either way it was fun to see their unique and individual approaches to the craft!

Original idea found on Pinterest here.
Our version
Impromptu drawing
Loving that Noah is really into his drawing at the moment, and loving that he's even getting into the Christmas spirit with his efforts!
The boys have been spoilt this year by Uncle James and Aunty Ann-Marie sending them both amazing advent calendars. Noah's is a Star Wars Lego one, and Mylo's a Playmobile one. They are having great fun opening and putting together each day's creations!
Still waiting though...
on Elfie (aka our Elf on the Shelf) to turn up. I ummed and ahhed for ages about whether to indulge in the fun that others are having with this tradition. Particularly as I wasn't sure how much I wanted to go into the whole side that Elf is watching who is naughty or nice and reporting back to Santa each night. But I found some really great links on Pinterest to a mum who has been able to beautifully bring Jesus into the tradition so much so, that I figured what the heck and finally ordered our elf a couple of weeks ago from Book Depository. So I'm drumming my fingers here...tap tap tap...waiting waiting.....hopefully he'll be here by next weekend otherwise I might end up having to save him for next year!

Come home soon Elfie! We can't wait to play!
So what are you loving about Christmas so far over at your place? I can't wait to see!
Here's how you can join in this week:
Link up below with your blog post telling us what you're loving, and grab the Things I'm Loving button below for your post too. Don't forget to share the love by visiting all the other lovelies who have joined in - the linky is open till same time next week!

As always Meghan your list is full to bursting. I must do those Santa messages again for mine. We are having great fun with the wise men from the nativity travelling around to get to Bethlehem. Noah's drawing is totally gorgeous - you should totally use the image for your Christmas cards next year. Have a beautiful weekend xx
Love this post. I love Christmas xx
very cool. Love the santa faces, great idea with the beard
Lots of Christmas goodness to love! BD must be swamped! Hope he turns up soon!
Oh so lovely! The drawing by Noah is so cool and love the crafts you shared of the Santa faces :)
Have a fabulous weekend x
So many great Christmas festive season fun going on......Hope that cheeky elf turns up really soon...we are having so much fun...or should I say the family is indulging me in the fun I am having!! xx
Hope your elf turns up soon - we are having so much fun
Such a happy happy post :)
I missed out linking in last week ;(
Hope your elf turns up soon - we are having so much fun
Such a happy happy post :)
I missed out linking in last week ;(
LOve your list, my friend! And feel your pain about jolly Book Depository! I ordered ALL the niece and nephew books from them and NONE have turned up. Trying not to panic. PANIC!!!!!!
That's awesome that you were able to take a crafting session at your son's school. Love the curly beards :-)
Wonderfull list, So jelly of the advent calendars, playmobil! we had a lego one last year and it was a lot of fun. We love PNP in our house too, hubby made one for Millie last week and I actually had tears in my eyes watching her watch for the first time, gotta love the magic of Christmas!
Loving it as always! Love the new header! Love all your Christmas fun! Hope you're wee Elf turns up soon :) Love ya! x
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