I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something you can be thankful for..no matter how simple it is.
It's been a funny kind of holiday for me this year, usually I'd have taken a zillion photos of our holiday antics and posted every other day. But I really haven't felt like it this year. I've spent a good part of the holiday feeling pretty yucky with chronic diarrhea (that is ongoing and as yet unexplainable as I'm pretty sure it's not a bug), and so I've slept and rested a lot more than usual. We also haven't tripped around the countryside as much as other years apart from a wee nature walk on Boxing Day and I haven't felt like I could cope with lugging my big, heavy camera bag around the place either. So a very different kind of Christmas this year.
Don't get me wrong, it's still been fantastic with amazing family moments with all us kids and partners together under Nana and Poppa's roof, but for the most part it's just been about enjoying being together instead of documenting each and every moment for posterity!
So on that note, here are a few random things (other than the holiday) I've been loving lately:
Punch buggy in my hand
Loving my new iPhone cover that I spotted via Pinterest, bought on Etsy and then snuck it into my stocking this Christmas. Quite possibly the coolest cover ever.
Christmas Nails n all!
Loving the extremely cool set of Christmas nails my colleague Jade painted for me on the last day of work. She is an amazing talent when it comes to nails, and does her own free-hand designs on her own nails as well, and with a collection of over 100 nail polishes, she has a good few to choose from. I was so impressed that I managed to keep these nails looking half decent until Christmas Day. Can you work out what they all are?
Santa, candy cane, snowman, holly and a Christmas tree with lights.
Xmas Scrabble Magnets
Loving receiving an early Christmas gift from a friend who knows me so well last week. Tracey was my original Scrabble buddy back in the day when we used to play with an old-fashioned Scrabble board, before the days of Scrabulous on Facebook and more recently Words with Friends via the iPhone. She is a total Scrabble fiend and usually beats the pants off me. So this was a very appropriate gift to get from such a lovely gal!
Cutest reindeer in the world. Period.
I know Christmas is over. Alright already, I hear you say! But this totally delish set of deer that my colleague had on her desk at work had me drooling all over them. And when we added some cute little antlers they turned into the sweetest, cutest reindeer in the world. Period!
Anyone heard of and love this band? Discovered them properly a couple of weeks ago and am really loving their album. Here's their most well-known song Little Talks.
What things are you loving these holidays?
Here's how you can join in this week:
Link up below with your blog post telling us what you're loving, and grab the Things I'm Loving button below for your post too. Don't forget to share the love by visiting all the other lovelies who have joined in - the linky is open till same time next week!

love the iPhone cover and that you put it in your own stocking and the nails are great too - I hope you feel better soon xxx sorry I haven't added the link I just posted this from my surprise Christmas gift (an iPad) via blogsy and I need to learn how to add buttons to it. xx
I still have a few Christmas items that I'll be mentioning in time too. Hope you feel better soon and loving all the other goodness :) And of Monsters and Men are a great band - have been loving them too! Have a fab weekend :)
Hi Meghan, hope your Christmas was fab and you feel better ASAP! I concur, those deer are the best.
those Christmas nails are fab.. your workmate really missed her calling!!
LOVE Of Monsters and Men !! !!
And love that you filled your own Christmas stocking - must remember that one!
The deer are the cutest of cute
Sorry to hear you have been unwell....great Chrissy roundup with fun things galore. Happy New Year to you and hope you are feeling better really soon. xx
looks like you had an great christmas - ugh about being sick! hope this week is filled with energy and blessings and bring on 2013!
blessings, claire
So sorry to hear you've been in so much pain this holiday season, but I've been keeping tabs on your wonderful Instagram photos and glad that family are taking good care of you and there's still plenty to love and enjoy. That iPhone case for your 'precious' is perfect and your nails fabulous darling!
Take care and really hope you feel better soon and get some answers to what's wrong.
BIG HUGS to you and your gorgeous family,
Lots of love, Sarah, Dan & girls xx
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