I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something you can be thankful for..no matter how simple it is.
The next Wiggins and Cavendish?!
We took the boys out to the Avalon bike park in Lower Hutt the other weekend. And then didn't see them for the next half an hour.
It's such a cool place - complete with roundabouts, Give Ways, and judder bars (translation for you non-Kiwis: speed bumps) and even a train (read: miniature train that comes around every so often but watches out for the kids!) crossing for them to practice their road etiquette. We sat and watched and enjoyed seeing little legs flying. Hard to believe that the littlest legs kept up with the bigger legs - they were fair flying at twice the rate, it's little wonder he got tired more quicker!
Mini 'me's
One boy mad on Harry Potter. The other who just loves to do what his big brother does. Getting their 'serious' on just like their hero in this shot.
Where the light catches
I swear there are more cruise ships visiting us every summer, sometimes up to 4 or 5 a week. I snapped this picture of one cruise ship as it came in early morning with the sun heralding its arrival. Magic.
Getting down to business
Cleaning bathrooms is not my favourite past-time. But even less appealing is having all that hair in my face while I'm doing it. This is where I invented the 'I mean business with you bathroom' topknot. And I'm sure I managed to clean the bathrooms faster than normal.
Naughty but nice
After seeing a pin on Pinterest, I thought I'd treat the boys to a naughty version of a popsicle. Made with lemonade and with soft jelly lollies in them - they went down a rip roaring treat!
Man vs NZ's wild
Loved this Air NZ safety video with hubby's favourite hero Bear Grylls.
Champagne in a magnum?!
Loving this new Magnum icecream. The pearly glittery outside shell leaves a lovely sheen on your lips and fingers and the subtle champagney taste. Have you tried one?!
I can't believe Easter is only a week away - far out how fast did that come around this year?!
Here's how you can join in this week:
Link up below with your blog post telling us what you're loving, and grab the Things I'm Loving button below for your post too. Don't forget to share the love by visiting all the other lovelies who have joined in - the linky is open till same time next week!

Love the pics of your boys on their bikes and the Harry Potter 'serious faces'. They are gorgeous Meghan. Hope you are keeping well and have a good weekend, Sarah x
Just when I thought they were doing a flight video without that flight attendant who seems to be in all the latest airnz flight video, out he pops out of the moa!
Love your serious topknot - go get that soap scum, Meghan!!
I tried one of the Marc de Champagne ice creams too - I wasn't a huge fan of the flavour (it was a bit liquer-chocolate tasting for me) but it was very pretty xxx
Eeek bathrooms are on my agenda this week too...I may need to make some of those popsicles to make up for the grumpiness this week.
Have a lovely weekend. xx
so with you on Easter..... Wow it's close :O)
LOL I wear my hair like that when I'm cleaning too! I've been reading your blog for a while and thought I should actually comment for once (maybe you noticed a random Norfolk Islander dropping by). I love the Air ZN safety videos - there have been quite a few hilarious ones!!!
Always love seeing your adventures! X
Mmm those popsicles.... :) Love all the photo's :)
I might need to try that chamapagne ice cream!
I found your blog through Striking Keys. Love the pics of your boys at Avalon Park! The top knot is my everyday hair do, it is so easy to do when you are running out the door ;)
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