14 April 2013

I am full.

I feel full right now. Full to overflowing.

This weekend was more than amazing.  And to be honest I'm still processing it all. Both in my head and in all the photos I've bombed Instagram with (sorry about that.....nah actually I'm not at all!) and all the photos I've snapped on a real camera that I'm yet to go through and edit.

So for now, here's a few quick thoughts as they tumble straight from my my mind, unedited.

New friends (my name badge swap partner Gill from Mudbird Ceramics)

The comfortableness of being with old friends (although only having meant some for the first time in real life this weekend!)

 The amazing organisation and treats

Autumn colour to die for in this city

Laughter, so much laughter

A gorgeous gift from Miriam (my main memory of her this weekend will be her managing to keep the 65 of us on task and always doing it whilst standing on a chair!)

A onesie party that turned out to be pretty small!

Extending a birthday week to celebrate with other friends

Hugs galore

Talent...so much talent

Food to feed an army

Beautiful people baring their hearts and souls

Introverts getting over themselves en masse

The feeling of being part of a community

A city shattered beyond belief

A people who love their city passionately

Hope rising from the ashes

The blessing it was to have been here

Much more coming later....

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Rachel Osborne said...

you said it so well! xxxx

Catching the Magic said...

Beautiful words and images x

BigLittle said...

Absolutely! xx

Cat said...

An amazing weekend

Clare Hubbard said...

You paint an amazing picture of the weekend, Meghan!

Simoney said...

Yes indeedy Meghan! You have said it and captured it (including the treats in the goodie bag...) SO WELL.
Except for that AWFUL photo of me. Ahem.

Bron said...

Looks awesome...happy recovery this week. xx

Cat said...

beautiful Meghan
truly lovely

love and light

Miriam said...

Love you!! Beautiful words and I love that I got a mention for my chair standing xxx

Ange - Tall, Short and Tiny said...

Sigh. It was pretty awesome, wasn't it?? xox

Sophie Slim said...

LOVE!! I'm so glad I got to meet you, friendly, beautiful Meghan!! xx

jacksta said...

a great sum up of an a great weekend!

Jus said...

So lovely to meet you!

Leonie said...

Loved meeting you along with so many other wonderful women x

Unknown said...

looks like it was an amazing weekend - and yay for rocking out the onsies!

blessings, claire

Tall Pipi said...

Aww that photo of the chairs is amazing. Great composition says it all. So great to meet you Meghan. Hope to see you again real soon!

A little bit country said...

Great post! I really hope it runs next year as I would love to go. xo

Curious Runner said...

Looks and sounds like it was an amazing time. Can't wait to be at the next one x

Jen | Utterlyinlove.com said...

Haha! LOVE the onsies!

Have you tried the soap from Lush yet?! It's so devine, I wish I hadn't started using it, it makes for a good just having a delicious smell in the bathroom!

I can't recall having talked to you, which is such a bummer! I tried my best to talk to everyone, guess there is always next time :)!


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