It started just like any other morning. The alarm went off at 5.30am like it does every other week day. I dragged myself out of bed to go pump my legs on the stationery bike in the garage for half an hour while listening to a podcast from Gateway Church in Hamilton - Don Barry being one of my favourite speakers. Then I was changed and out the door, parking up in my usual spot outside daycare ready for a quick getaway that afternoon to get to school pick-up by 3pm.
I walked swiftly through town on my ten minute walk to work, flicking through my morning blog reads as I walked. Just like any other morning.
Except it wasn't.
I came up the steps that form a bridge between the waterfront and Civic Square.
To this.
In the three years I've been walking this route, I have never seen a sunrise anything like it.
I literally stopped dead in my tracks. And immediately decided that work could wait for a few extra minutes, and instead made the detour right down to the waterfront.
Walking past the fountain in Frank Kitts Park which was bathed in the most glowing backdrop.
The water in the harbour looked like it was on fire, so intense was the reflection of the sunrise.
It was as if a volcano might bubble up with lava from underneath at any moment.
I stood, iPhone in hand (and desperately wishing I had my DSLR with me), in silent awe for quite some minutes.
In particular, with an overwhelming feeling of being blessed and grateful to be in the right place at the right time for an encounter with the Creator such as this.
Next week I'm starting a new job which will see me driving out to the Hutt Valley every day on the motorway, and there will be no opportunity to just pull over and take photos.
Which is why this particular morning was such a rare gift, a painting in incredible technicolour just for me.

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Beautiful post, amazing sunrise, absolutely a gift. All the very best for next week x
What a beautiful way to start the day
that is so right - for you - I love that. Good for you for taking the time to still your heart in the moment xxx
So beautiful Meg. Love moments like these.
love and light
Glad you were right in the space to enjoy this moment. x
Wow! This is God's beauty at it's finest!
What an awesome way to start the day!
Absolutely stunning - wow wow wow
amazing colours!
Stunning. Made my heart flutter, Honestly.
(Beauty does that to me sometimes)
Just for you! What a beautiful moment, I surely miss the sunrises and sunsets of NZ.
Such amazing photos! And with your iPhone, lordy girl you are talented!
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