Just stopping in to share some random thoughts that are top of mind right now...
- I finally bought a tripod - I'd been wanting one for ages. I gave it a test drive the other night when the moon was out, and even managed to get some stars in one shot. The shots would have been loads better had I not been taking them through the bedroom window, but I was being lazy as it was late and cold! The next thing I'd like to try is getting photos of people moving in the city and car lights moving in the dark. Not entirely sure WHEN I'm going to find the time to do it but that's the plan!
- We don't do funny dances at our hourse - we do 'dunny fances'. The kids get out of the bath, dry themselves and dance around naked in the hallway backwards and forwards in front of the bathroom door trying to get me to laugh at them while I'm still in the bath. The other night this carried on into a clothed rendition of 'lights camera action' from the Wiggles.
- Sales people ALWAYS come to our house twice. We live on a corner property in a cul-de-sac and you can almost time the countdown to the seconds heralding their arrival for the second time at the other door. It reminded me of this fact when a lovely girl trying to get sponsorship for Life Flight did it last week. It's happened with pizza delivery guys, mobile phone salesmen, and pretty much anyone coming to our house for the first time. It's kinda amusing to see their embarrassment when they realise what they've done.
- For the life of me I couldn't actually think of a number five......
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Great photos!
I am one of the "lucky" few who has "functional wisdom teeth" - but not enough space in my mouth for them!
ha! maybe 0500 hours is not the best time to come up with the fifth point. Im still in dreamland that early!
Weirdly...I don't even have wisdom teeth...hhmm does that make me unwise?
Love that moon shot....spectacular. x
haha... I had to laugh about the wisdom teeth post! I had all 4 of mine removed under GA when I was 16 and when I woke up I was crying hard out, felt like my head had been used for a rugby ball game... face was so swollen that my eyes were half slitty closed over.. and the blood I had to keep spitting out...yikes.. :) I can totally identify xxx
Did I ever tell you that the guy that started The Wiggles (Greg) once asked me to join his band? :-) I could have been Dorothy the Dinosaur. True Story. Vix x
Hehe the double door story! I can just imagine the genesis energy guy's face!
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