♥ Odosketch ♥
Calling all bloggy artist friends. There are some I think will LOVE this site for sure - Widge? Sarah? Dee R? Anyway click here http://www.sketch.odopod.com/. Below is a super quick version I did - as you can tell I am SOOOO not an artist!
But here's what one WAY more talented artist than me came up with!
♥ Free Hug Movement ♥
I dare ya to watch this and not get a little teary-eyed at the corners :-)
I reckon we could all do with a few more spontaneous hugs in our world don't you?!
♥ Scootering ♥
On a gorgeous Wellington winter's morning, one little nearly five-year old asked if he could scooter to daycare. Whilst we couldn't quite manage this, being a good half hour walk down some pretty steep hills, we did throw the scooter in the boot and Noah and I got off a few blocks early to scooter the rest of the way.
We stopped in at a coffee shop (that I am trying to use some vouchers up for). It's not my regular (Finc) and man the service is crap (hence why I'm not naming it!), it took about ten minutes to get my takeaway coffee even though there were only 2 people in front of me. I'd have been in and out of Finc in about a minute flat despite HOW many other people were waiting for their coffees - they are good to me!
Noah was so patient waiting that I dug out some coins and treated him to a little Whittakers Sante Bar - yes it was chocolate at 8am I know, but he loved it! And he thought he was the bees knees scootering along the street to daycare - he was BEAMING!
And what a totally stunning day for it!
♥ Yeti Boots ♥
If I didn't love these new slipper/boots so much I'd consider sending them up to Paisley Jade as I know they love yetis in their household - they could go and keep the yeti softie company in the garden? Actually I love how warm and fluffy they are, so on second thoughts, I think they might stay right here on my tooties! A treat from Jackie and Heidi for me after I'd longingly been coveting Jackie's ones. Thanks girlies!
♥ Spontaneity ♥
We're quite into routines in our house. Partly cos we have to be with both working full-time and trying to keep up with two littlies, but I think it's probably just as much down to our personality types too! So what with the early morning scootering and a last minute decision to dine out at Wholly Pizza in the Hutt to cash in a free Harlem Hustle Pizza for dinner last Saturday, there appears to have been a little fairy sprinkling more than the usual dose of spontaneity around our place. I love it when this happens. I really do!
♥ Coldplay ♥
Forever You Will Be My Favourite Music Artists. Hands down. Please don't ever stop making music!
Between Fix You, Viva La Vida and this amazing new song Every Tear Drop is a Waterfall, you have my ♥!
Utterly and completely.
♥ Moon Madness ♥
There's another little man about the house who has gone completely mad mad mad for the moon. It helps that at the moment the moon just happens to be rising as we are on our way home. And like all other full moon weeks seem to be, the moon is big, bold, bright and beautiful hovering in the still and dusky pink twilight. Mylo twists every which way in his carseat to look for the moon as we go around corners, and if he can't see it says ever so forlornly 'Moon gone?'.
When we get home we have to get out of the car and immediately find it in the sky and it's as if all is put right with the world again when he finds it. Once we're inside he races between the two sets of french doors trying to get the best 'view' and will be at our feet saying 'up up' as in 'I want to be up high so I can see it better'.
And while this picture was taken whilst helicopter spotting rather than moon spotting, the look of intense concentration is exactly the same!
♥ Beautiful People ♥
Last but not least I was overwhelmed, make that more than overwhelmed, by all the wonderful, kind and heartfelt comments that were left on the 400th post Vlog and Giveaway earlier in the week. Despite having only met one or two of you in real life, I feel so very blessed to know you all and count you amongst my friends. I so hope to meet more of you in real life sometime soon xxxx
And it's not too late to enter to win the giveaway, if you haven't already click on the link to comment on the original post - closing Monday night..eeeeeeeeeeee so exciting - I do love a good giveaway! :-)
Also can't wait to see what others are Loving this week!
Hooking up with Kristy over at Paisley Jade for her fab weekly linky!

Oh Meghan, that Free Hugs video just set me off crying for a full 5 minutes - that song always gets my soul soaring!
And then you hit me with those beautiful little boys (I have a soft spot for delicious little boys since I don't have any!)
Oh and I love Coldplay too - Fix You always makes my must-play list. I had a friend in my younger, more wild days (well - nights that ended after 10pm!) who used to whip his guitar out and sing EXACTLY like that.
Happy Friday xx
Such beautiful things you are loving Meghan.
I loved seeing your Vlog the other day! so nice to 'meet' you!!!
And the moon!! wow, its incredible at the moment. we stopped on the way home from soccer last night because the moon was soo amazing!!
Have a great weekend.
Love the photos! And seeing Noah! Totally miss you guys heaps! xxxxxxx
I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed to find myself some Yeti boots!! haha - they are so cute!!
Loving the scooter trips and full moon watching... and just everything really!!!
Have a wonderful weekend precious lady!
oh oh oh
loving all these loves!!!
don't even know where to start....
those boots are hilarious!!
It's all good stuff M good stuff indeed!
love and light
How cool that odosketch, I had a go, though its a bit hard on the laptop :) thankyou for sharing the hugs video, your'e right left me with a lump in my throat.
Your'e boys photo is so cute! love that concentration :)
Love all these - just love. xo
Another awesome post Meghan! LOVING spontaneity! So glad you popped in for the pizza and splashed out on the choccy. So fun! Beautiful beautiful pics. Love your little man pointing up at the sky. Just love all of these things really. Thanks for sharing. xx
I saw the 'moon' shot on the linky over at PaisleyJade and thought, 'That has to be Meghan's photo,' and I was delighted to discover it was!
Fabulous post - I love the way you share the joy in your 'Things I'm Loving' with your findings on the Internet - kinda like sharing a hug in cyber space ;)
We're LOVING the moon here too and Mylo is adorable.
And Coldplay - oh yes, love, love, love!
Sounds like you've had a good week and hope you're all having a great weekend x
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