This time last week I had what can only be described as a Comically Difficult Friday. Had to laugh or I would surely have cried, in the somewhat frazzled and fragile state of mind I was in.
I'd left the house before 6am to drive to work only to discover that the front lights weren't working properly. They kind of worked if I held them on full beam but it was an interesting drive holding the light lever in the 'up' position with one hand and driving with the other. This worked for most of the ten-minute trip until the lights died completely on me. Luckily the back and side lights were still fully functioning but still not the safest trip in the pitch black at that time of the morning. 'Oh well I thought', as I got out of the car, 'at least I'll be driving home in mid-afternoon and so it won't matter (for today at least) that the lights aren't working'. I started the walk to work but hadn't got more than 20 metres before the realisation sunk in that my work access cards were at home in the other bag I'd been using all week. &*%^$@#! So back to the car I went, and drove home IN THE DARK, got my cards and drove back again IN THE DARK!
P.s. You'll be pleased to know the front lights are fully functional again after the relay switch was replaced. And my day did get better after that!
Ice Sculptures
On Wednesday after Noah and I picked Mylo up, we three swung by Moore Wilsons after Mark had seen these funky ice sculptures on display earlier in the day and suggested we take a look. What can you spot encased in ice? So cool (ha ha if you'll excuse the pun!)!
Getting my walk on
So I've had some serious deja vu these past two weeks getting used to new (yet previously familiar) routines. Walking to and from work was something we did for the better part of six years until Mark got a company car and free parking through his current job. We did the daily walk firstly as an engaged, then married couple and then even walking in with Noah in the stroller every day come rain, hail or shine. And some days the heavens sure did open on us. Noah was always snug as a bug in a rug inside his fleecy sleeping bag and with the rain cover on enjoying it whilst Mum and Dad got soaked to the bone.
But it's still felt a little odd going back to the old days. This time it's an early start at either 5.45am or 6.45am depending on the day of the week, and it's just me on my own with my iPod Shuffle for company in the dark and semi-dark pounding the pavement. And I had SERIOUSLY forgotten how much of a workout the uphill was on the way home. I've been leaving work just after 2.30pm (after getting changed back into gym gear) and motoring up some crazy stair climbs and steep paths for 20 minutes to make it to school for the 3pm pick-up.
But it feels good to be walking again, good to have legs and muscles that are behaving and good to be using a journey to/from work to get my weekly exercise quota in!
Fist Pumps
I'm still trying to figure out who taught Mylo how to fist pump?! It's heck of a cute though. I've been picking up Mylo a bit earlier from daycare and on one particular day I told him I had the red car (he loves it even though it's our old beat-up Camry and not the nice new station wagon) and that we were going to go for a walk along the waterfront and he got ever so excited and did a few fist pumps accompanied by 'YAY' at the news. How many not-quite-two year olds do you know that fist pump?! Well you know at least one now!
I just love these candid shots Poppa took of Mylo when they met us at school pick up on Friday. That's a serious 'who are you and why are you taking my photo' look in that first shot!
Grown up conversations
I sat in awe listening to Noah talking to Nana on Monday night. Seemingly overnight a pre-schooler has had a metamorphosis into this confident young boy. Overhead on this phone call 'Nana I was sad when you left on Sunday' and 'Nana I have two things to tell you. The first thing is that Murphy pooed on the carpet. But it was Daddy's fault as there was no cat litter in his tray' dutifully stopping to listen to Nana's reply. Then 'Nana and the second thing I have to tell you is it was really sunny in Wellington today'. Be still this beating mumma's heart which just ached with love and pride for this formerly shy and growing more confident with each passing day boy.
Auckland are you READY for me?!
One week to go, one week to go, hi ho the merry-o, one week to go. Excited much?! I hope all you Northern Bloggers have RSVPed to the Bloggy get-together next Saturday - cos I'm gonna be there with bells on, and hopefully bringing the lovely Jaz with me. I can't wait to meet as many of you lovely Whangarei and Auckland peeps as possible. That's you PJ, Jacksta, Leonie, Simone, Penny & Sammy, Dee and many more! Oh and Ms. In China Right Now - you'll keep, I'll have to hold you to that Welly visit next year, and to the lovely Southern bloggers like Widge & Miriam - so wish you coulda made it!
So if you haven't already, make sure you email to confirm you're coming to the lunch!
Brace yourself Auckland, I'm a-coming!
So what things are you loving in your world this week?
Link on up at PJ's place

Loving your loves too! I wish I could walk long walks again! That convo Noah had with his Nanna was sooo precious! Hope you have a wicked time in Auckland - I have skype on my phone so I'll have to try it out with you and then I can show you my new place! x
oh man I cant even imagine how cold welly is at that time of the morning!
I love eavesdropping on the kids phone conversations.
Whoop whoop not long alright!So exciting! Im also looking forward to be kid free for the whole day!
Such a sweet phone conversation, kids say they cutest things!
Such a lovely post - I do so love Wellington the photos are beautiful :)
I'm sure Auckland is ready and waiting for you - do we have a venue yet?
That lunch is locked and loaded! Cannot wait to meet you IRL!
I'd love to get my walk on with you. Breathtaking view. Or live close enough for lunch. Sigh. I know you are no longer having anything that resembles summer, but the last week of Aug is sweet summer finale and will be jam packed with an AWESOME prize pack giveaway if you enter. Just a thought- you just summarize your summer. Have a great weekend!
Cracking up at the cat poo on the carpet conversation! Very cute. Love your list this weekend - and man, I seriously can't wait to all get together!!!!!
Your boys sound (and look) like such hard-case cuties! Love the fist pump, hilarious!
How amazing are those ice sculptures?!! And I LOVE the sunrise picture. Super cool things your loving this week! (And PS The arboretum is about 10 mins drive from Ham City - its called 'Taitua Arboretum'. Its on google under the council page. Enjoy! Your boys would love it Im sure!)
Oh so jealous I would LOVE to be there - next time in Wellington so we can get there easier??? Mr 2 and I have had so much fun this morning watching all your cool 'movies'! LOve listening in to those conversations too they are so precious
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