And if you've been following along for a while you'll know that every 100 posts I like to do a giveaway to celebrate these milestones with you my nearest and dearest readers!
This time I have not one, but two great giveaways for you lucky people. One lovely person will win themselves a copy of Bloom: Finding Beauty in the Unexpected. (click on the link for the book trailer).
But as I know that some of you are likely to have already bought and read the book, another lovely person will be sent a Whittakers Peanut Butter block. Heaven in a block of chocolate!

If you don't already follow Kelle's blog Enjoying the Small Things, you really need to check her out. She writes in the most poetic way, oh that I could only dream of writing half as well, and yet she is funny, effervescent and totally high on life. And when she writes deep and meaningfully, you are taken along on the most beautiful journey, a journey that includes unicorns and sucking the marrow out of life. Reading her blog posts is one of the favourite times of my week.

For the past two and a half years, Kelle has been on a road she never expected to travel. Imagine the shock of gazing into your beautiful newborn's eyes and discovering that the baby you've been carrying, dreaming of and longing for all those months is looking back at you with almond shaped eyes that cry out 'yes there is an extra unexpected gene in me, but love me mama, love me'
Bloom is Kelle's story, firstly dealing her feelings of grief and loss, then moving into a place of full acceptance and love for baby Nella, and finally fully embracing this new and unexpected journey and rocking out the gift that Down Syndrome has become to their family. Kelle's voice and the unimagined success of her blog since Nella's birth has given her a voice and an opportunity to do so much good that she never would otherwise have had. And sister rocks it.

I know, for me personally, that reading Kelle's blog these past couple of years, I have a much greater appreciation of what being a parent of a Down Syndrome child means. It is life changing yes, but then so is bringing any child into the world. I also have found myself wanting to be so much more accepting of the world around me as a result. The book is utterly delightful, and intermingled with Kelle's beautiful photography of her girls and her family, I never wanted it to end. I've already got a few people lined up to read my copy of Bloom now that I'm finished with it and I will be passing it round to as many people as I can.
I hope that if you are lucky enough to win the giveaway you will enjoy, be inspired, and fall more in love with life as a result. And what would be even cooler for me is knowing that you will also pay it forward afterwards.
To be in to win:
Leave me a comment letting me know whether you'd like to win the book, or the chocolate (or both), and who you think you would would pay the book forward to once you are finished reading it.
Most importantly, make sure I have your email address if you enter, so I can contact you if you are the winner!
Giveaway open until Thursday 10th May 7pm NZ time. Open to anyone, anywhere in the world!
Good luck!

Oh yay yay yay - count me in!! I would love BOTH and would probably pay the book forward to my blogging buddy Jacksta. I am the same a you - have way more of an appreciation and understanding of the journey families with Down Syndrome family members go through. xoxo
yummy to both!!!
chocolate with peanut butter is my absolute to die for fav!
I have wanted to read Kelly's book, I too have followed her in blog world...I would pass this book on to my girlfriend and her husband, who have 4 children one of which is DS. My girlfriend often feels alone in this place and already is a fiercely private person...I know Kelly's story would open her heart to the realization that she does not walk alone
congrates on your're looking great!!!
not a day over 80 : )
love and light
I would love both! :) And I would pay it forward to my friend Emma who it training to be a councillor working with mums suffering from PND and struggling to cope with being a new mum. Becky
WOOW!!!! I'd LOVE the book! I've been banned from buying any more books before we move. But winning one would be just fine, I'm sure :o) I think I'd pay it forward to my sister. The chocolate looks delicious too :o) Happy 600th!
I would love to win either or both. I would probably pay the book forward to my sister who has just had her first baby - all journeys of motherhood are for sharing. Congrats on 600 posts too we are very similar in our post quantities!
Hmmm, just the book please! I am a dark chocolate only type!
I would pay the book forward to my Mom. She's going through her own struggle right now with cancer and I think Kelle's book with encourage and inspire her.
Congrats on the 600th, your blog is one of my favourites. Being the honey that you are helps too!
Oh, both yes please!! And you wouldn't have to send here cause I can collect (if I should be so lucky to win) in Auckland!
I would give the book to my cousin who has five kids, her fifth has Downs and has miraculously survived open heart surgery and has only just turned two! I have watched their journey from a distance (got to spend time with them last Dec in sydney) and they are amazing - going from strength to strength and only because they carry the truth and know that they were gifted with her to look after.
The chocolate would be for me.
Congrats on 600 posts! i enjoy visiting here!
Congrats too Meghan, well done on 600 posts. I would pass the book onto my dear friend whose first baby was born a few months ago with Downs. She has been amazing and I think this book would encourage her and enable her on her journey. She has decided her gorgeous baby has "up syndrome" and its her mission to educate those around her about how amazing his life can be.....
Oh wow, what an amazing giveaway Meghan!!!
I would love to read her book, have loved her blog for a long time.
I would pass the book onto my Mum too.
Congrats on 600 posts too Meghan, your blog is simply beautiful!
The book looks fabulous and I would send it to a friend who lives in New Zealand. Congrats on 600th post - good on you!
Yey for 600 brilliant posts!
Would love to win either...and would pass the book on to a friend who is expecting a possible Downs baby.
Book AND Chocolate - you're offering my version of heaven.
I'm not sure who I'd pass the book on to. I'll probably know by the time I've finished reading it who would benefit from it the most.
How AWESOME! I would LOVE Kelle's book. Her story is so beautiful.
I would definitely pay this forward, probably to my sweet blog-friend Lyns, or maybe the lovely Gail when she returns to NZ in June for a holiday.
BUT if I don't win first prize i would HAPPILY devour peanut butter chocolate.
Congrats on 600!! (Didn't we JUST celebrate 500??? Or is time really flying???)
Hi I have been a silent lurker on your blog for a while. Congrads on reaching such a cool milestone, I have enjoyed reading all your posts and look forward to many more. I would love to read this book and if I won I would probably have some kind of giveaway on my blog to keep the book circulating, I think stories like these are so important to read they keep you grounded and greatful for everything you have and compassionate towards people who maybe finding things challenging. Awesome blog :)
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