You might have seen this video already. It did the rounds on Facebook recently. I cried my eyes out watching it. The thing that grabbed me the most, was the lengths this father went to for his son. Completing a marathon is not for the faint hearted. Competing in an Ironman even more so. But this father takes unconditional love, determination and sacrifice to a whole other level.
You can find out more on Team Hoyt here.
I couldn't help but make the comparison with how far our Father God went to save us all. Sending his one and only son as a sacrifice for humankind. It doesn't get much bigger than that.
The other thing that spoke volumes to me was how unconditional this fathers' love and God's love is. No matter how able or unable we are, He can and will carry us through whatever we cannot do on our own.
This son knew what he wanted. But he also knew it was impossible for him to do it on his own. Imagine asking your own father to do something on this scale. What would the response be? But we know we can go to our Father in Heaven with any request, no matter how impossible the request might seem to us with our human understanding.
He is capable.
He can do all things.
And He will.
♥ Old faithful Denim Skirt ♥
Do you have that one special item in your wardrobe? A fail safe, always feel good in it no matter what item? For me, it's this skirt. The old A-line corduroy/denim number. The cut is so lovely, the length just right. It's great with boots and leggings, jandals, sandals, you name it. But it's already seven years old. Hardly surprising that I found a worn patch on it this summer in the butt area then! Thankfully this was repaired by Grandma during her visit though.....phew! This is one piece of clothing that will be worn until it LITERALLY falls apart at the seams. I so wish I had more clothes like this! What's your ab fab item of clothing?
♥ Scrapbook Souvenirs ♥
Whilst Grandma & Grandad were staying with us, they took Noah out for 3 special days on his own. Grandma lovingly put together a special scrapbook of their adventures (literally finishing it the hour before they flew out!) Reliving these moments will be such a wonderful way of keeping the memories alive for us over the weeks to come. Thank you Grandma for creating such a wonderful keepsake for Noah to treasure!
♥ Courageous caterpillars ♥
Our swan plant has never been healthier. It's nearly died several times in the past few years, but this year has been its year, leafy and full of flower. So you can imagine our disappointment when summer came and went without a single caterpillar to be seen. But wait...what's that I see on there this week? Our tenacious caterpillars for whatever reason have decided that they aren't bothered by the chillier mornings and cooler days that are upon us. They've clearly decided it's their time to shine.
From past experience we might want to rescue them to the warmth and safety indoors when they turn to chrysalises though as the only other time we hatched a butterfly this late in the year he wasn't in good shape when he came out.
I will never tire of seeing nature at its best in the stunning lesson these gorgeous creatures provide us - that of an incredible metamorphosis where extraordinary beauty can emerge from inside the plainest of packaging.
♥ Being high on life ♥
Seasons change, they come and they go. Much like the seasons in our lives. There are ebbs and flows, highs and lows. In the lows, we wonder if it's possible we'll ever feel happy again. And we'll do anything to try and change it.
But when we're on a high, do we ever stop and appreciate and acknowledge that life is good, right here, right now? Do we stop long enough to realise that during this time food taste sweeter, joy is deeper, and love is stronger?
I feel really high on life right now. Particularly with how much I'm loving and enjoying my children. I feel like the love I had has just been taken to a whole new level. And I just can't get enough of them right now.
But I can't help thinking why? Why now? For sure, a big reason has been that the recent earthquakes have brought home the fragility of life and how important it is to make the most of the life we have been given.
Rather than wish for another life or a better life, living the life we have been given to the fullest is what we are called to do.
And I know this feeling might not last. Honestly, it probably won't last past the next time one of the kids comes down with a bug and they turn into a grizzling, whining monster for a few days. So that's why I'm writing this now. There will be a moment sooner or later when I'm gonna have to look back on this post and remember that I even felt like this and so I know it's possible to be in that place ever again.
So for now this is me reminding myself that right here, right now I'm high on life. Thankful, grateful for the life He has given me.
It's not a perfect life, but it is a blessed life. And it's mine to live.

This is so beautiful and honest. I love it. I have seen that video before. Truly selfless and inspiring. And as for wanting a better life? I guess all we can do is hang on to all those beautiful moments in the hope that maybe, just maybe this one will be the one that wins out in the end.
Awesome that you're loving life right now!
So true, I always try to make a point of remembering and appreciating the things I've prayed for and received.
I'm in the 'not so high on life' phase at the moment, but like you said, it will pass. And I still have heaps to be thankful for
Great post!
I love how you write - and I too am really appreciating life so much more lately. That clip is so very moving... and I live in my jeans but would love to find a great denim skirt like yours!
Loving this Meghan...I love that clip. I have been doing a lot of reading around ironmans for some reason..probably because of my triwoman, and im in aw of anyone who can do them let along pushing and pulling someone else. Amazing Dad.
Our God is awesome too!
Beautiful post. All those things are so true and all treasures of life. Thanks
that clip ALWAYS gets me!!!
it is gorgeous
and so true when we compare that fathers love to our Creators love for far will our Creator go????
Farther than we can ever imagine...that is definitely something to love!
Love that you are loving life right now, and so lovig that you post about is these moments and memories of moments that get us through those times that are not so easy to love.
I feel you joy!
love and light
oh that clip is so moving isnt it...and that song is one of my favourite ever.
Thats one cool skirt you have, no wonder you want it to last!
A beautiful post, thank you! That youtube video left me sobbing... your thoughts about being high on life are inspiring. Good on you for capturing this time, knowing you will need to look back on it as a reminder that life is, indeed, very good xx
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