It's all been all go on the getting to know the school front. Firstly Noah and the two of us had a visit and tour of the school with the Deputy Principal last week. Then this week Mark and I went in for a chit chat session with his New Entrant teacher. It was great to hear all about the school day, what kinds of activities Noah will be doing and how they approach teaching the basics of reading, writing, maths to the children.
And it's a small world. Turns out that his teacher is a cousin of one of my best friends, gotta love the 2 degrees of separation in NZ! But what I loved most was this little treat turning up in the mail later in the week.
How cool! I think at this point I'm probably more excited than Noah about school starting in 4 months' time!
♥ Heroic Hubby ♥
Hubby had to come to the rescue for me twice in one day. I blame the somewhat spaced out, not quite all there experience my brain was feeling after getting a flu injection the day before. He'll just tell you it was me being a Doris. Well it was probably a combination of both actually!
Good Deed #1
So on Wednesday (the day of the jab) Mylo was not in a great way when we got home from daycare. Running a temperature, and a bit out of sorts. I immediately go into planning phase 'Well since I won't be going to work tomorrow, I 'd better get this report completed that's needed for an 11am meeting'. So I beaver away at it all night, going to bed way too late at 11pm, after staring almost unseeing at the screen for the better part of the last half hour.
Then I get up at 6am Thursday to finish it off. Which thankfully I do by 6.45am. And then I'm running on a dual scenario at this point. Will I stay home or won't I? It all depends on how chirpy the chappy is when he gets up. So I put on all my work gear, do my make-up, with a foot in both camps - ready to go (or stay). We get Mylo up, he seems in pretty good spirits so we continue with plan B (or was that A I can't remember?) and out the door we go.
Only I get to work and realise that doh! doh! doh! the report is still sitting at home on my PC. Of course, half my brain was in the 'I'm staying home, I'll email it to work later' mode so the other half didn't think to speak up to inform it differently.
Enter grovelling phone call to hubby (who has his car at his work) asking him to go home and retrieve the file and email it to me. I am still feeling so spaced out that I can't think straight to even give him good instructions. Thankfully he knows what to do, and as he had an external meeting planned, he was able to swing by home on his way to do it for me. Hubby saves my bacon and saves the day!
Which leads nicely onto Good Deed #2 for the day!
So this morning amongst all the chaos of 'will I be at work or won't I?' we also had to move the kids carseats around and take two cars to town today so Noah and I could go and pick up Nana and Poppa from the airport who have flown in for the weekend. Luckily there's a carpark right across the road from daycare so I just put in my credit card and pay for early bird parking. Sorted.
I return to the car this afternoon with Noah, and off we go to the airport. Whilst at the airport, I get a text from Mark. Which says this:
'OK. Just parked where you were parked earlier. Went to get Mylo, put him in car. Looked on ground. Found your credit card very cold and wet'
And so hero hubby to the rescue AGAIN. And now I owe him big time!
I thought it would be much easier to appreciate how amazing this rescue was if I draw you a little diagram to help illustrate the situation. We ALWAYS use the two 10-minute loading zone type parks to drop the kids off if they're available. And even if they're not, we park on that side of the street and just put 20c in the meter to cover ourselves.
Today when Mark went to pick up Mylo, the whole street was full on that side, forcing him to park in the other carpark where you usually have to put a minimum of $1 in. Hence why we don't ever use it.
So what are the odds of him parking in the exact carpark space I had vacated maybe twenty minutes earlier? Admittedly it is the first space when you drive into the area, but I'd still say it was slim to none. Then what are the chances of my credit card dropping under the car this morning, staying there all day (I didn't even miss it!) and him then finding it nine or so hours later? Also fairly slim to none.
Suffice to say, you are my HERO today hubby. Truly. *mwah - plants a big smooch*
♥ Monkey Smile ♥
I'm hoping this means no more Highland Flings for the iPhone. I've been getting so sick of my iPhone case which has always been a bit slippery and way too easy to accidentally let fly out my grasp. And I found the screen protector was letting dust in all the time. I know it's such a small thing to get annoyed about, but I'd put up with it for months instead of just doing something about it.
Enter fake Paul Frank monkey case stage right from Hong Kong via eBay. Problem solved for $4. A nice rubbery grip and a cute little monkey face to bring a smile to my dial whenever I flip the phone over to look at it.
Notice I said flip, not fling. Quite different I assure you!
♥ Washing that makes me laugh ♥
Notice any imbalance here in the piles?! And the ratio of every load is pretty much like this one. I haven't quite decided if that means I a) live with a houseful of boys who go through their clothes quickly or b) I'm a dirty urchin and don't wash my clothes enough!
♥ All the April babies ♥
So it turns out July was a busy month for our friends and family *wink*
As well as our two birthdays this Sunday (10th), it's also happy birthday shout out to:
Our same day birthday buddies
Our friend Caroline - 10th
Two cousins Jono on my side, Kate on Mark's side - 10th
And in the rest of the month of April:
Mark's dad - 3rd
Mark's mum - 21st
My uncle and cousin - 6th
My bloggy friends Jacksta - 11th, Leonie - 13th and Sarah - 20th
My Nan - turning 94! on the18th
Our friend Mark - 22nd
My friend Paula - 28th
And there are a few more too!
Happy Birthday to all the April Babies!
Linking up to Paisley Jade's Things I'm Loving linky

hahaha - that credit card moment is crazy!! What an awesome hubby you have.
And yes, my washing pile is always way more smaller than the others in our family... I like to think that it's because I don't get as grubby as everyone else ;)
Meaghan you crack me up!! Haha! I love the credit card moment too but what cracked me up was that you took the time to include the map for us just so we really GET IT!
Also have to say I love that you sneekily got all the happy birthday's out like that - good on ya girl!
And that washing pile! Unreal! I think it's kids in general cause my girls have to have at least one outfit change a truly sucks come washing day!
Have a wonderful day my friend xx
Hahaha, I must be a 'dirty urchin' too, my pile is always the smallest. I do try to re-wear clothes when I can - probably a lazy urchin too!
Loving your loving!
Loving those orange undies!! I like that your pile is the most colourful. Small but bright!
Mammoth post again my dear - how do you do it (especially with all that laundry to get through! - the boys, not yours that is...).
Loving your new iphone cover, laughed at the amazing credit card story and drawing (can't believe you actually did a drawing - so funny!). So gorgeous that your hubbie was such a hero.
So amazing that you remember all those Birthdays! Blimey - thanks for reminding me that my Birthday is coming up - I keep trying to forget these days ;) x
Have a great weekend and so hope the big build up to school days continues to go so well x
Hi, I'm visiting from Paisley Jade's linky. I'm so with you on the laundry front. Our house is exactly the same!
yip my pile is always the smallest too. maybe we know what it actually takes to get the washing to that pile, so we're careful about what we put in the basket? (ha ha that means wearing some stuff more than once for me - there I said it! I am a dirty urchin for sure!)
God looks after us in the little stuff too. What a relief somebody didn't use your card!
love the laundry pile
good loven' going on over there!!!
love and light
mount washmore, its the same in every house! (except ours is all pink!)
Happy Birthday you guys!
You are so organsied with the school visits..*hangs head in shame* My son turns five on thursday the 14th (another april baby) and I decided to flag the school visits! He can just fly solo from day one of term2...Im a push em out of the nest mummy! My poor kids lol
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