You're still here after 4 years and this 400th post? You're still reading? Wow!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!
And following in other's footsteps like Gail, Simone, Paisley Jade, Widge, Leonie and Jackie, I thought I'd step out of my comfort zone (eek!) and do things a little differently to celebrate.
Now what's the definition of a vlog? Does it have to be totally ad-lib cos if so I just COULDN'T do it? You can so tell I read out some of what's written below. Note the eyes moving across the page= real live vlog FAIL! But I had so much I wanted to say and I just knew I'd forget it all otherwise!
I'm just so much better at writing than I am at speaking - for some reason I have this serious brain-to-mouth disconnect when I get in front of a live camera. So doing it this way was the only way you would have got anything more than a vacant stare and 'duuuuuuuuuuuh' out of me without having to do a kazillion takes! So you can totally tell I'm reading at points but hey, it's the thought right?! Right people?!
So without further ado, here is MNM's 400th Post Vlog and Giveaway:
And if for any reason you can't listen to the Vlog here's the gist:
A year ago, I'd managed to write 200 posts in three years. So I'm not entirely sure how I managed to write another 200 in the space of just one year...I think right now there should be a flashing 'addict' sign over my head!
You know, I would still write even if it was just for me, and for the family. But meeting and making bloggy friends has taken this whole cyber creativity thing to a whole new level for me. I've discovered creativity I didn't know I had in me, and I am constantly inspired by the wonderful women who choose to share their own lives with me through their blogs.
I know for a fact I am more grateful, more thankful, and more in love with life as a result of this whole blogging journey. I have seen beauty in unexpected places that would previously have gone unnoticed. And the discovery of like-minded and talented individuals out there has broadened my horizons further and still further again. I'm hoping that makes it worth the wrist strain I've been getting from the constant typing on the laptop, and the little "tsk tsk" I get from hubby after yet another late night slinking into bed a little (or a lot) later than I intended.
So to celebrate, I'm hosting a little giveaway to give a little something back to you.
I'd like to give away a copy of this wonderful book that I've just reviewed on the blog 'Heaven is for Real'. Despite what you might personally believe about life after death, at the very least this book is incredibly engaging and I think anyone would enjoy it - it's an easy read. And at the very most, you might come away with a fresh revelation of what awaits those who believe in the other side.
This week I had the privilege of attending the Watoto Children's Choir: A Concert of Hope. To see the incredible smiles on the face of these children rescued from a place of sorrow, abandonment and pain was incredibly emotional. To see the joy, the hope and the futures these children have where before there was nothing but hopelessness is so inspiring. Before us stood future doctors, lawers, pilots, nurses and teachers, children with futures no longer wondering where their next meal will come from or fearing for their very lives.
The bracelet I'm giving away was made by a woman at the Living Hope Center which is also part of the Watoto Vision in Uganda.
Living Hope, which was initiated in early 2008, is a programme committed to transforming the lives of 2,000 women in Uganda. Left abandoned or widowed, the target group is HIV+ single women, returnees from abduction and teenage mothers.
And last but not least...a block of my favourite choccy bar: Cadbury Black Forest chocolate.
And since I'm an inclusive kind of gal - I will post anywhere in the world. China, Canada, the UK, Aussie or the USA - anyone can win! Although it might be economy mail overseas! gotta be comment to be in to win.
So................leave me a comment about what you enjoy most about the blog and if there's anything you'd like to know or see written about in future posts. I know, I know, a totally cheeky way for me to get feedback I know but hey..we bloggers are a creative bunch right?!
So that's about all I have for now. Thanks for Exploring Beauty with MNM's!
Knowing and getting to know each one of you makes me smile Every.Single.Day!
Note: the giveaway will be open for one week until Monday 20th June at 7pm and the winner announced on the blog.
AND.........I'd hate for Blogger's little quirks to stop you entering the draw (the comment function on Blogger has been playing silly beggars lately depending on what browser you're using - Google Chrome for example), so if you can't post directly onto the blog, send me an email instead to be in to win.
Good luck peeps!

So excited to see your Vlog!!! Lovely to hear you and see you too!!!
The thing I love most about your blog is your beautiful amazing photos!! They are just incredible. You also write such beautiful posts about your faith, parenting...everything. You have a totally gorgeous blog Meghan! Cant wait to meet you in person, hopefully very Soon!!!
So lovely to see you!
I love your photos. They're amazing and inspire me to take better pictures.
I love your bloggy 'voice' - you are genuine, warm, sincere and just all round lovely.
Congratulations on your 400th post!
Argh! So great to see your vlog! You have done VERY well! I am exactly the same--can write my thoughts but usually either go blank or get verbal diarrhea when trying to speak them! One day I might be brave enough!! :) I just love your blog! I am a new reader in the scheme of things but so far I love the way you endeavor to make the most out of life with your boys (ie your magical weekend outings that you post about with both thoughtful words and stunning pictures). You are an uplifting writer, and I really appreciate that. Actually can't quite believe that you work as well!! How this is possible escapes me. Just love getting a little glimpse into your world Meghan. You rock! :) xx
Lovely vlog meghan!! I thought you did GREAT :)
So nice to see you "live" (rhymes with FIVE)
plus... *you very pretty*
Count me in - a fan from way back.
So nice to put a voice to you :) I like coming here because you take BEAUTIFUL pictures, love how you constantly find beauty in the ordinary, your touching posts that share your faith, your awesome taste in boys names ;) and cos you are super hot! Hehe
Love that you read your vlog, so interesting seeing these blogs show just that we bit more of who we are. Well done
I'm going to watch your vlog soon soon, when I have a moment. But I wanted to say, in the meantime, that I also really enjoy your blog. I love the combination of everything you, wonderful creative writing (as I walked in a beautiful place I tried to 'write' an 'Enchanted World' story in my head, and only got one sentence!!), I love to read about your adventures - making the most of days and moments - AND love the recipes! I've made your courgette, pineapple and carrot cake a few times now and people love it here! I love it too because, when describing it to my Swiss friends and family before they try it, they can't believe vegetables and fruit can go together in a's not within the realm of eating here!! :) Sorry, I wrote quite a your blog :)
So good to put a voice to the blog! I like how you are a full time working mumma and still manage to find time to enjoy the family and take lovely pics to share with us :)
Im liking getting to see the sights of Wellywood too ;)
I'm new to all this blogging and vogging - but you are an inspiration! May I still be blogging on in the future when you reach your 800 post!
Hey Meghan - so cool to put a voice to my tag team fundraiser partner in wellywood!!
I would LOVE to win this amazing give-away!! However, I know that postage is totally expensive (my sister went to post pineapple lumps, not snail mail though, and was quoted NZ$53!! So be sure to double check..... should I win!!
What I love about your blog: A shared faith, and a willingness to share it further without hesitation or concern about what others may think! I love that you also seem to appreciate some of the finer things in life that I like too: coffee, black forest choccie, a good walk, the sea, the naki,family time (tis a biggie in my books!). I hope we meet IRL sooner than we think!
P.S. Thanks for joining in the Vlog linky
P.P.S You are very pretty, agreed Simoney!
Yay! Lovely to hear your beautiful voice (and well done for doing a vlog!!!). Count me in for the giveaway too.
Thanks for your inspiration - such beautiful photos, sharing your fun and busy life and faith with us all!!
p.s. loving the pics and lights behind you... so pretty.
I LOVE your realness, love how your share your faith in a very real, practical way, love how you love your babies, and love your quirky sense of humour!
Keep blogging! Anything and everything! xo
I love your photos, including your lovely header portraits, and that your photos are often outside enjoying nature (reminds me to get outside!)
Hope this is not to 'stalkeriesh' but I just love you. Your writing and photos bring sunshine into my days, so a BIG thanks.
Oh and congrats...four years!!!! AWESOME xoxoxxoxo
I LOVE your blog - love the photos, love hearing about your family... but I also love the fact you write about other things that are important to you. I have yet to find the time to sit down and do that :-)!
Haven't listened to your Vlog yet, but going to this evening once I am all caught up on the reading side of things!
PS - Congrats on 400 posts, IMPRESSIVE!
I LOVE this vlog! I love really seeing and hearing you, it's the best! And guess what?? You've inspired me (you & Kristy) ... I'M UPLOADING A VLOG AS WE SPEAK (TYPE)!!! So nervous! And I hope you don't mind but I took your lead and did a little giveaway too...this is all exciting isn't it??
Love this and LOVE your accent! Hehe :)
Love Stacey
Loved your vlog! I would say it's cool to put a voice to you but I know you in real life, not just cyber world :)
I love your blogs! They are such an inspiration for me. Whether it's just the beautiful photos that you take or your words that some how wrap them selves around my head. I always leave thinking about your last post and how I can do one like that haha! We do have a very special bond (I went to write bong haha whoops!)which makes me more intrigued to check and see if you have more updates.
There's nothing I'd really like to see more of, it's already to beautiful and spectacular that I can get my Maloney fix from London :) Love ya xoxox
Hello dear, wonderful, amazing Meghan. I finally had an opportunity to listen to your touching vlog. I felt like hugging you as I watched! I've just read through all the wonderful comments, nodding my head and smiling. You truly are inspiring. Congratulations on your 400th post. Your voice is one that should be shared, with so many words of wisdom straight from your heart. Love you x
Well done on doing this vlog! Dare I say it...we want more! hehe
Congrats on your blog milestone!
I've enjoyed seeing your journey as a photographer. I also think that you love of life, your hubby, your children and the Lord really comes through in your writing. Keep it up!
Hey there, I'm your newest follower, came across you on Stacey's vlog post.
I meant to get my vlog up after seeing PaisleyJade's last week. Loving everyone's Kiwi accents.
I also see your other half is English, I'm a Scottish girl, and a mum of four boys.
Oh you are oh so brave doing a VLOG! I might just get inspired one day soon :-) Beautiful lady, beautiful voice, beautiful words.
I love everything about your blog, it was one of the first I came across and loved when I first stumbled into blogging. I think your honesty and beautiful photos inspire and spark my interest every time.
Congratulations on your 400th post! What a great journey!
So nice to hear your voice and actually "see" you!
I do love your blog and it's been great to watch your photography journey. Thanks for always being so encouraging in your comments xx
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