Unattended children pic
15ish things worth knowing about coffee
This was a totally fun five minute read about all things caffeine related. So good.
I'm just tempting your tastebuds with the start of the story so , head on over to theoatmeal.com for the rest of the story!
Wait for your Boaz
A friend shared this little bit of wisdom on Facebook. Whilst it's a little bit tongue in cheek, it still made me laugh.
To all the girls who are in a hurry to have a boyfriend or get married, a piece of biblical advice: "Ruth patiently waited for her mate Boaz." While you are waiting on YOUR Boaz, don't settle for any of his relatives; Broke-az, Po-az, Lyin-az, Cheating-az, Dumb-az, Drunk-az, Cheap-az, Locked-up-az, Good-for-nothing-az, Lazy-az, and especially his third cousin Beatin-yo-az. Wait on your Boaz and make sure he respects Yo-az!!!!
21st Century Discipleship
Also a little bit tongue in cheek, but here's how recruiting the 12 disciples would probably play out if Jesus came to Earth today:
Wall art from wood scraps - How About Orange
I love any kind of wall art that involves lines and stripes, horizontal or vertical. And this might even be something this craft-challenged gal could manage, so it really appealed to me.
Found over at How About Orange
Weather Prediction
And I'll sure be loving it if this prediction actually turns out to be true, not that the past week has been anything to go by! Spring and Summer to Heat Up with La Nina
And we hope the sun will be shining a little more next week for you and yours and ours as we head into our first ever taste of the school holidays.
Oh and one last thing....
If you're not actually reading this post on the blog...go and check out the new animated header slideshow I designed this week here. Damn it was hard work, but I learnt a lot in the process! It took me ALL week to figure out how to get it:
a) in good quality and not horribly pixelated like the normal animated gifs that Photoscape create. In the end I had to make it via Flash software (which I've never used before), and
b) it took about three or four attempts to then find a site to host the images which would also give me access to the correct embed code so I could directly link it back to the blog since it is a .swf file (created in Flash) and not just your normal photo file format like jpg or png. (Sorry if any of that geeky tech speak lost a few of you along the way!)
I hope you can all view it...let me know what you think! I might even consider blogging a tutorial in the future?!
But....sigh....in hindsight....I am my own worst enemy, like a dog with a bone I wouldn't give up since I was convinced I would eventually figure it out, so last night it made me seriously, seriously late for bed...oh well at least it's Friday and I can just yawn my way into the weekend!
Happy Weekend y'all!
And go the All Blacks!

WOW love your new header, very creative. My blojo is rather lacking at the moment, perhaps a spice up is needed to get me feeling inspired again!
That Jesus recruiting via twitter thing did make me have a little giggle - though reminds us that though so many other things have changed in the world - it is still the same that HE loves us.
Wish I loved coffee. Can't stand it. I feel like I'm missing out on a huge secret!
Have a lovely weekend gorgeous girl xxx
I know what you mean, the night I decided to make a "button" I was up SO late but I was so proud of myself for figuring it out...its like learning a WHOLE new language :)
Well done, i guess the blogs are good for stretching us in all sorts of areas- including learning new tech skills!
Love your new header! Beautiful photos, very impressive :)
That coffee thing is great (and has me wanting coffee NOW!), and Jesus' recruiting gave me a good chuckle.
Definitely GO ALL BLACKS!!
Have a lovely weekend xx
WOW the header is totally awesome Meghan so cool!
or as Gail the Diva says coolas
now truth is all you kiwis might say that but hey, I'm from Canada...eh! (we don't really say that, not where I am from anyways)
the Boas clip and the Jesus follow me clip...LMAO...serious so good
you have such a talent Meghan I love seeing you showcase it!
love and light
Well worth the effort! The header looks AH-MAZING ;) Gorgeous photos!
love that jesus poster...so true!
Have a great weekend...full of rugby no doubt like ours...go the all blacks!
Wow, that is one fancy header, well done! You are very clever!
That unattended child sign is brilliant!
Enjoy your weekend :o)
LOVE the new header - very clever!!!!
Chuckling away at the funnys too - and looking forward to the game this weekend!
Love the header!
That coffee sign is funny. Need one for clothing shops, this shop assistant was paranoid about Blossom wondering around her shop this morning, was soooo funny!
And YES! GO THE AB'S!!!!!!
You are SO clever!! Love that wood art too. Looks do-able!
Jesus poster rocks!
Love the new header- you clever thing you!! wow!
Lots of random loving goodies!!!
Love, love, love the header... wish I was as clever and had the persistence like you ;-)!!!!!
And GO THE AB's - we'll be watching all the games here also!
I'm SO impressed with your new header! Wow, good one! Do you know if Photoscape is available for Mac? It looks like a great programme! Enjoyed your loving list :)
Your header is AMAZING! Go you!
Oh your pictures gave me a giggle xxx
Fabulous header! Love all your 'lovings' (coffee, mmm) and that Jesus poster is so apt.
Have a good weekend watching the rugby!
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