Last week I introduced you all to Rosemary McLeod's new e-book craft series, based on her very popular book With Bold Needle and Thread.
This week I want to share why I found these e-books so encouraging and inspiring, and this is mostly because of the very conversational, and honest way Rosemary shares her own crafting journey.
Rosemary isn't one of these people who've crafted effortlessly all their lives and I like that. She talks of her struggles of learning to sew as a young girl, how her needle and thread would not cooperate like it did for others, how learning to knit was merely a recipe for frustration and tangled yarn and she spent her days wishing she was drawing pictures instead. It was only in later life with a child of her own, that something finally 'clicked' and Rosemary realised that sewing was really only drawing using different tools.
The first thing I'd be making out of the Aprons e-book is this patchwork apron
Don't you love its vibrant and 'hectic' colours!
And so began her journey of rediscovery. Rosemary used a wealth of women's magazines to inform and inspire her, but still preferring to make up things as she went along, and so remarkably, With Bold Needle and Thread was Rosemary's first foray into strictly following the patterns from the magazines of yesteryear.
She explains her mission for this series quite simply: to reclaim the homemade. To allow a sense of pride back into the feeling of having created, and to assuage the memories of embarrassment for those who grew up wishing they could buy but who always had to make do with homemade.
And in this mission, I can't help but think Rosemary is onto a winning formula. The tide has turned and homemade really is back en vogue again. It's no longer shameful turning up to a social gathering wearing or bringing something homemade. These days you are far more likely to have a circle of admirers wistfully asking how you did it and wishing they too had the skills to create something so unique, than a single person daring to look down their nose at your 'homemade' as they might have in days gone by.
This quote from Rosemary, sums up what the concept of 'homemade' is all about.
Use the things you make. It's what they're for. Make more of them, enjoy them, and give them away to the people you care about.
Aprons, Bags, Cushions & Decor, Tea Cosies and Adornments.
Congratulations to the winner of last week's giveaway: Sarah Marie. win your own copy of one of these fantastic e-books, here's how:If you entered last week, you're already automatically entered into this week's draw with one chance to win, but if you want more chances to win, comment again this week with an extra chance telling me what you most love about giving or receiving homemade!
And if you haven't entered at all yet, then make sure you leave a comment with which e-book title you would like to win and your preferred format (iBook, Kindle or Kobo).

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