YES! Haha, I love this. I'm trying to type carefully in case I just contradict myself and fill this with unintentional mistakes. My pet annoyances are your/you're, it's/its and than/then...and a few more from the list :)
Haha. That is good. I should print it out - Grammer/Grammar (ha) is certainly not a strength of mine (its is a sticking point) but there are ones that leap off a page at me: your/you're lose/loose...... Love Facebook for that. I find with blogging I drop punctuation, break sentence structure rules and I am often grammatically incorrect - I know while I'm writing, but irks me to change it!!
I think the your/you're annoys me the most, as well as the abuse of the apostrophe, or maybe the could of/would of, but I've always thought that supermarket aisles for '10 items or less' were the most obvious offenders!
The your vs you're drives me up the wall. I HATE it when they are used incorrectly and I get business emails/ letters with them used the wrong all ALL THE TIME! Annoying? Slightly.
Love this! I'm having trouble choosing my biggest bugbears though...probably a toss up between you're/your and could of/have...but the others all frustrate me no end!
My parents were both teachers. The need for the correct use of grammar appears to be in my blood.
Ha, that's great. I am the grammar police too... my biggest bug bear is your/you're. At work there are signs on the toilet doors and every single one of them uses it incorrectly...I can't believe how much it bugs me!!
oh! number one always makes me clench my teeth but the no.9 (could of/should of/would of) thing is driving me NUTS at the moment. everyone says it /writes it like that now!!
The your/you're and their/they're ones really bug me. I've encountered a new one since being in Oz (not lumping all Aussies in the same boat though, it could be just a few that I know!) I cringe when I hear comments such as "I'm going to he's place for dinner" instead of "his". GRRRR!!! For some reason they don't do it the other way around though. Weird!
Having said that, my hubby has just complained that it could be down to my "kiwi hearing"!! haha
YES! Haha, I love this. I'm trying to type carefully in case I just contradict myself and fill this with unintentional mistakes. My pet annoyances are your/you're, it's/its and than/then...and a few more from the list :)
Haha. That is good. I should print it out - Grammer/Grammar (ha) is certainly not a strength of mine (its is a sticking point) but there are ones that leap off a page at me: your/you're lose/loose...... Love Facebook for that. I find with blogging I drop punctuation, break sentence structure rules and I am often grammatically incorrect - I know while I'm writing, but irks me to change it!!
I love this! So easily explained.
I think the your/you're annoys me the most, as well as the abuse of the apostrophe, or maybe the could of/would of, but I've always thought that supermarket aisles for '10 items or less' were the most obvious offenders!
The your vs you're drives me up the wall. I HATE it when they are used incorrectly and I get business emails/ letters with them used the wrong all ALL THE TIME! Annoying? Slightly.
Love this! I'm having trouble choosing my biggest bugbears though...probably a toss up between you're/your and could of/have...but the others all frustrate me no end!
My parents were both teachers. The need for the correct use of grammar appears to be in my blood.
Haha - love it. Especially the zombie brother part. I am a shocker with being grammatically correct at times!
Ha, that's great. I am the grammar police too... my biggest bug bear is your/you're. At work there are signs on the toilet doors and every single one of them uses it incorrectly...I can't believe how much it bugs me!!
What a cool find! I can't wait to show my kids ;)
oh! number one always makes me clench my teeth but the no.9 (could of/should of/would of) thing is driving me NUTS at the moment. everyone says it /writes it like that now!!
The your/you're and their/they're ones really bug me. I've encountered a new one since being in Oz (not lumping all Aussies in the same boat though, it could be just a few that I know!) I cringe when I hear comments such as "I'm going to he's place for dinner" instead of "his". GRRRR!!! For some reason they don't do it the other way around though. Weird!
Having said that, my hubby has just complained that it could be down to my "kiwi hearing"!! haha
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