10 April 2012

Sharing the Birthday Love

Happy Birthday to my gorgeous hubby who turns 34 today....

Oh and I guess since we're born on the same day, that invariably means a Happy Birthday to me too. A mere 365 days separates us, and as I'm older (and wiser too ha ha), you can do the implied math!

The annoyance nuisance factor novelty of being born on the SAME day as my other half has still not worn off....even after fourteen years. I doubt it ever will!


Catching the Magic said...

Awww, Happy Birthday to you two lovely, YOUNG, vibrant, wonderful people!! xx

Ange (Tall, Short and Tiny) said...

Happy birthday to you both! Hope you have fantastic days with well-behaved boys :) xx

Brigitte said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAYS!! That's pretty special you having the same birthday. You are still but spring chickens! Enjoy your day and many blessings for the year ahead xx
(P.S. the photo of you is BEAUTIFUL!)

Mika said...

Happy Birthday!!!
I turned 35 this year too...officially (in my mind) in my mid-thirties!!
Have a fab day

PaisleyJade said...

Wow - didn't realise you share the same birthday!! Happy birthday to you both... and although it must be annoying sharing the same birthday, I think it's rather sweet too. xoxo

Steve and Sarah said...

Happy birthday! Enjoy your special shared day :)

Miriam said...

Happy Birthday to another awesome set of M and M's!!! Hope the day is filled with all good things xx

Paula said...

And another wish for a happy day to both of you...xx

remaliah said...

Happy birthday Meg & Mark!! Wow, sharing a birthday must make it a fun celebration of each other. Hope you both had a great day. Love the photos :) x

Jason and Jacinda Papps said...

Happy birthday to you both, I hope you had a lovely day xxx

Sammy said...

Happy birthday sweets! Hope it was a goodie xxx


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