05 April 2012

MNM's Make: Fun Easter Crafts

Are you contemplating a wet or cold indoors Easter? Trying to conjure up some Easter fun for you and the kids? Here are two simple fun ideas for you to try:

Paper Plate Bunnies

Idea from A Little Delightful

You will need:

1 Paper or foam plate
White and pink card
Pink pipe cleaner (chenille stem)
Pink pompom
Your children's feet 

These really are as easy as they look. The best bit is creating the ears. Get your kids to stand on the pink card and draw around their feet to make the ear shapes and listen to them giggle as the pencil tickles their toes on the way round. It's way cute having different sized ears for your different sized kids!

Once you have cut around the pink card, glue this onto some stronger white card, cut around the white card leaving a small extra border and glue onto the plate.

Cut out some round shapes for eyes, colour in and glue onto plate.

Glue on the pompom and pipe cleaners for nose and whiskers.

Chick and Bunny Treat Holders

Here's a cute place to keep the kids eggs in after the Easter egg hunt.

Idea sourced from Hostess with the Mostess via Pinterest

You'll need:

2 foam or paper cups
Yellow, orange, white and pink card
Wiggly eyes
1 white and 1 orange pipe cleaner (chenille stem)
1 pink pompom and 1 white pompom
Coloured shredded paper
Yellow feathers

For the bunny:
Glue on 2 wiggly eyes, a pink pom pom for a nose and a white pom pom for a tail.
Cut up a white pipe cleaner into 4 pieces 1 inch long and add for whiskers
Cut out pink and white card into shapes for ears and glue on
Glue a white pompom on the back for a tail
Fill the cup with pink or plain shredded straw

For the chick:
Wrap the cup in yellow paper/card
Glue on 2 wiggly eyes
Cut out a small triangle from the orange card for a beak and glue on
Cut up an orange pipe cleaner into 6 pieces 1 inch long for the feet. Twist 3 together and glue onto cup.
Glue or tape 2-3 yellow feathers onto the back of the cup
Fill the cup with yellow shredded straw.

I'd love you to link up any other ideas you have planned with your crew this Easter in the comments!

1 comment :

Cat said...


love and light


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