Loving the absence of gravity. One afternoon this week I took the boys to Te Papa, and it was the first time we've been in a while. As always, the pull of the fossil pit was too strong not to go straight outdoors, and between making pebble angels, burying our hands and feet and the various jumps that were performed, a good half an hour was wiled away quite happily before we even made it indoors.
Darth Tater
Loving that when I did manage to drag them inside, we headed up to one of the Discovery Centres and had an ace time marvelling at all the different Mr Potato Heads before having a go creating our very own versions.
Unexpected rainbows
We don't often see rainbows in these here parts. Perhaps it's the lie of the land, and the way the hills seem to break up the gap between sun and sky. For whatever reason, rainbows aren't that common. So we were particularly excited to see one on the drive home this week. I also loved the angry skies generally this same evening. Somehow a little threatening, but at the same time promising big things.
Hunger Games
Loving that I'm hooked. All the hype is totally justified. I devoured the book in about 2 sittings. I'm about to start on book number 2 and I am HANGING out to see the movie, soon, soon, soon. Just trying to suss out a babysitter and there'll be no stopping us.
Game of Thrones Violin Virtuoso
If anyone else loves the very moving and powerful theme tune from the fantastic series Game of Thrones, you'll love this clip. If you don't know the tune, I think you'll love the sound of it and appreciate the clever video anyway!
I was so excited when I learnt that one of my favourite bloggers, Kelle Hampton from Enjoying the Small Things was publishing a book that I immediately pre-ordered a copy on the Book Depository. The book arrived a week ago and I immediately put it at the top of my reading list (even ahead of the Hunger Games!), and read it from cover to cover in a little over 3 hours. What was amazing was it felt as if I was reading a dear friend's journey, although I found I still learnt a great many things I hadn't known before about Kelle, particularly about her early family years and marriage to Brett. It is a wonderful story of Kelle's journey from being mama of 1 beautiful wee girl, Lainey to the unexpected gift of Nella, born with Downs Syndrome. Despite mourning the loss of what she expected, Kelle has embraced the beauty in the unexpected. I loved the book and I wish it could never have ended. Kelle is one of these people who lives life to the fullest and then some. She is incredibly inspiring. If you don't already follow her blog, you should definitely take a peek here.
Made with love
Loving homemade love. This week Noah has been at a holiday programme and one day this week they went to Tiger Eye Beads, and I was so thrilled to receive my first ever handmade bracelet, and I've been wearing it ever since.
Tiptoeing through the boardwalks
Loving that on yet another afternoon excursion this week, we had the opportunity to chase each other around the boardwalks and admire some stunning unseasonal violet blooms in the dying light of the day.
What things have you found to love in your week?

great list.
now that you explain the kelle hampton book, I know that blog.
Im up to the final hunger games book...might take hubby to see the movie so I can go again.
love that bracelet...love that he gave it to you.
My wee violin player loved the vid!! The books sound great too
That last image is stunning.
I haven't really heard about hunger games - what's it about?
And I might have to order that book by Kelly Hampton, I know someone who would probably appreciate it!
What gorgeous photos Meg
Lovely things - just finished the hunger games book 1 and loved the movie. My oldest boy has read all three books already! Can't believe your Bloom book arrived so quick! Can't wait to read that one!
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