I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something you can be thankful for..no matter how simple it is.
Wolverine en masse
Loving that hubby won himself a free private screening for him and 40 friends to go and see Wolverine in the next few weeks, just by purchasing some Gillette razors. Now to find a date we can fit it in between now and our trip! And to see if we actually can come up with 40 people too!
An amazing proposal
I dare you not to leak tears watching this beautiful moment.
More minty goodness
Oh my. You should all know I'm a sucker for anything mint chocolate by now. Mint Aero and Cadbury Mint Bubbly being my ultimate downfall. So you can imagine the excitement when I found these new mint Mallowpuff bites. In a word...sensational. And gone in one sitting.
Love this cool video for kids that teaches them all about the different planets.
Spring springing
Loving that it's getting light enough by the time I get home from my early morning exercise regime to take some photos other than deepest darkest night shots.
Still loving that I also get to hang out with the moon (small wee white spot just above the middle of the trees) and Venus (small white speck to the top left) when I first get outside though.
A whole lotta perspective
If you've been reading the blog these past weeks, you'll know I've been questioning a lot of things. Dreams vs reality and work/life balance for a start. It's been a full-on four months getting to grips with this new job and at times I've questioned if I'm actually where I'm meant to be.
However, this week I got the extremely sad news that my previous company, Learning Media is closing down as they can't remain a viable business. You can read the news stories here and here. I had my concerns before I left that the future was looking tenuous, but it is no less shocking when you find out it has actually happened.
What it did bring home to me was a whole lotta perspective in that I'm just so grateful to God for giving me the opportunity to move to my new role when I did. I am extremely sad for all the friends and ex-colleagues (100 people) who worked there as well as the implications of this on the wider education sector as Learning Media was an extraordinary company with far reaching ties into the education sector both here and overseas. Anyone who grew up in a Kiwi school in the last 100 years has fond memories of the School Journal (which has always been published by Learning Media) as well as the many other series of books like Ready to Read and First Stories (which both my kids have brought home from school and daycare to read). It really is the loss of an iconic Kiwi institution, and a sad day for NZ education.
So a bit of a solemn note to end on but sometimes that's life isn't. Life's not all sweetness and light and we're fooling ourselves if we try to make it so. It's just as valid to acknowledge that gratefulness can come from a sense of relief at something bad not happening to us just as when something great does happen.
Here's how you can join in this week:
Link up below with your blog post telling us what you're loving, and grab the Things I'm Loving button below for your post too. Don't forget to share the love by visiting all the other lovelies who have joined in - the linky is open till same time next week!

Oh wow that is sad news re Learning Media a big gap will be left in NZ education with this gone.
Love Leanne
PS Whoop whop for a private cinema with Hugh Jackman - totally worth seeing Wolverine for Jack alone.
That is sad for nz. You also must try trade aids mint choc bar so, so good!
Same thing happened to me! My old company just closed down a month ago, hundreds of employees lost their jobs all over NZ and Australia. Definitely made me stop and thank God for not being in that awful position.
yep. perpective. Great teacher.
Oh Meghan, that's such sad news. He is watching over you x
What a very romantic proposal...if only it happened to all of us....must pick up some of those chocs in my shopping tomorrow.....have a super lovely weekend and glad to know that you are right where God would have you to be. xxxx
Love this series. A mixture of sad and happy news. I had fun writing my post really made me think about what I was thankful for. Thank you for making me stop and appreciate my day. Oh and if you need two more friends to come we could be free he he Mx
I am gutted for Learning Media. I am gutted for NZ children who will probably have very little education in a NZ context. Too many schools have no libraries or library funding in NZ and at least these schools could get these items free. I shudder how this will affect my school as the book resources bought come out of the same budget as all support staff wages (like all NZ schools) and more money has to be found for extra resources. This could mean hours slashed for support staff in the worse case scenario. But it is the history and the NZ stories that will be lost. I do hear the journal is staying in the meantime but we have no idea about the junior journal, ready to reads. Figure it out, connected etc.
Gr attitude and perspective. things happen for a reason - so awesome to see His work in our lives. Sad about the company but happy for you it's worked out. Lots to love, hope you have a fab weekend x
Perspective is everything. I constantly pray for a changed perspective right now. Love your list as usual Megs x
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